Sunday, November 30, 2014


- 有些厌倦近期的博文都像在报导生活多过像是分享生活。

近期花比较多时间在打乒乓上,这个星期内代表大学打了两次比赛——一场就在大学附近我平常练球的地方 Sugden,一场在 Preston。听起来是挺炫的,代表大学的女队打,不过自己的能力在哪里我还是有自知之明的。自从小学毕业以后都几乎没再打乒乓,跟那些曾经给专业教练指点过的队友们相比之下,我的水准真的是低得可怜。可以说是自尊心强,抑或是自卑,我都选择不在大学队伍训练的时候一起加入练习,觉得自己是在浪费别人的时间。毕竟自己的基本功实在太差,别人得一直去帮忙捡起频频被我打飞的球。这段期间内我特别想念以前在 USM 愿意花时间陪我教我打球的学长们,很感恩他们的不嫌弃。后来,在一次的练习结束以后,身边跟着一个刚好同路的、刚才也同样出现在乒乓球场上的智利人(打得很不错厉害的),便开始攀谈。聊着聊着他向我提起我刚才打球的姿势有错误,然后问我,需要他的帮忙吗。  有他的帮忙,还有另一位男生队代表的帮忙下,觉得自己进步了些许,虽说还撑不上大局,可算是很不错了。开始期待每一次乒乓学会的活动时间,生活出现了新的小目标感觉挺好的。噢还有想说的是,我也发现自己在比赛中的心境上也有所改变。变得少一些急躁、多一份淡定(可能是觉得不可能赢对方?)。抱着这份心态让我有一点点的意外收获,赢了一点点,是不太值得骄傲不过我也挺讶异自己的表现的。不把输赢放在第一顺位的比赛,反而打得别有心得。



1. 最近喜欢一早醒来不把眼镜给戴上,让自己的视线一路模糊直至我开门进入洗手间。拿牙刷、牙膏和漱口用的杯子。以前在马来西亚都不用杯子的,觉得用手盛起一大口水比较潇洒。可在这个地方呢,就算是扭开热水的水龙头也得等好一会儿流出来的水才会温一些。不喜欢牙齿被冰水冻着的感觉。

2. 直直看着镜子里头发乱糟糟的自己,思绪可以在一秒间错综复杂地伸展开来。想的是往往都不是负面的,偶尔是想起以前的一些事,或是今天该上什么课午餐该吃什么,或是二十年后的自己是否也能在像这样的早晨苏醒,枕边人那时又会在做什么呢。典型的女人。

3. 课业开始有跟不上的迹象。还有两个星期就是为时一个月的长假,长假结束以后就是大学一年级上半学年的期末考。明天开始得非常非常努力才行。没有好好念书就没资格好好玩。来到这里不是考过本科线就算过关。好运气把我带到这片土地,再不努力的话有多好的运气也补救不回来。

4. 遇见一位女孩,让我想起了以前那个自己。倔犟。好胜。对于小细节有异常的敏锐。喜欢听抒情歌。爱唱歌。笑起来很大声。对于未知数常会感到不安害怕。对人对事总会有自己的一套想法。坚持自己所相信的事物。面对不善良的人类时第一念头就是逃。会给自己的懦弱找借口因为害怕被人知道。常常我都会被她身上找到的那种似曾相识的感觉给吸引住,那种陌生的熟悉却又会在下一秒被恐惧给扑灭。觉得自己面前的她是一只披着狼皮的羊,而我是那只披着羊皮的狼。或许,由始至终我都只是站在一面镜子前而已。

- 睡前似乎会比较人格分裂一些。今天太倦了。晚安世界 :)

Friday, November 28, 2014

London 9D8N Trip Part 6: Hyde Park

After a satisfying lunch at Gold Mine, we decided to take a stroll at the legendary-must-visit-park in London.
H said that it was beautiful and big, that one needs at least an hour to walk from one end to another if it's a pleasure evening walk.  Well, I expected it to be big, but it turned out to be massive. 
And breathtakingly mesmerizing.
It could have been a lil more romantic if my first visit to the place wasn't accompanied by these 5 crazies lol *laughing mad*.
But we had lotsa fun and laughter of course :)

Probably one of the reasons why I enjoy spending time with these big bad boys.

Officially enlisted as my few new favourite people on Earth :)

This 6 blog entries pretty much summed up my 9 days stay at London - without landing my feet at London tourist hot spots like the Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Tower Hall etc.
Spent too much time in the kitchen cooking for him I guess hahahahahahahaha.
But I like it anyway, I'd do the same thing if I were given the chance to choose again.
Oh dear London, please give me more sunshine and blue sky on my next visit, which is so near I can smell it :)

Thank you for staying till the end.

Directed Posts:

London 9D8N Trip Part 5: Portobello Market

London 9D8N Trip Part 4: Waterstones & British Museum

London 9D8N Trip Part 3: UCL & Farmer's Food Market

London 9D8N Trip Part 2: Victoria and Albert Museum

London 9D8N Trip: Natural History Museum

Monday, November 24, 2014

London 9D8N Trip Part 5: Portobello Market

Spent my Saturday like a queen along with my six bodyguards at the Portobello Market.
Well I gotta admit that I was a lil nervous before the meetup - Not because that I nidda get to the place with Hwee Jien who has no sense of direction at all (like me), but I was afraid if we couldn't get along as well as we did in the BTN Camp (compulsory pre-departure camp for national scholars) two months ago.  Me being an over-sensitive who think too much lol.
Am so so sorry for having the thought nihhh (to Benjamin, Hwee Jien, Shyue Jer, Garry and Ah Kok, don't mind too much about Wei Hao who I see almost everyday in Manchester).
It was a super duper happy day coz they were just too awesome in talking crap and sporting and being nice and treating me like a queen and feeding me with good food nyehe.

This blog will be mostly about food food food and food food food found in the market.
Prepare yourself for an eye feast!

It's always great to start a day with a big happy morning :D

From left: Shyue Jer, Ah Kok, Garry, Benjamin, Wei Hao, Hwee Jien.

To some people this Greek-style pie made from spinach, eggs, and cheese may look a lil gruesome but I love it! 
I didn't expect it to be mild-sour when it came into contact with my tastebuds.  New experience and a great one it is :D

Reminded me of the moment when my sisters and I shared this at Melaka, firsts are always that memorable.

Beautiful notebooks that I can never get my pen on.

The famous Hummingbird Bakery that sells heavenly-tasting (yet not so cheap) cupcakes.

Ugly shot coz the boys were complaining that food belongs to the mouth and not lenses.
Okay fine.
I'm not a fan of red velvet cakes/cupcakes but the one of left was real good.
The icing above was a lil too sweet if being eaten alone but the combination with the cake was good.

Spotted this funny sign on our way to grab something for lunch.
I guess it's a roundabout sign or something.

Or an answer to this question:
Do you have a girlfriend?

Love the way I am with these people.

Not here for lunch of course.

Never tried high class (window) shopping in UK so we decided to pop in for a while to feel the breeze of wealth.

Then the two of them got stuck with some expensive hand soap tester session.

Meanwhile waiting.

Luckily they were not dumb enough to end up with two bags of soap after the encounter despite claiming how good the soap was.

Lunch at Gold Mine Restaurant for its roasted duck.
Benjamin recommended this over the famous Four Seasons'.

Awesome shot by Hwee Jien.

Malaysian Vegetable Curry.

Stir fried mix vegetable.

Ma-Po Taufu.

 Filled belly with great food that costed us £8 each was many thumbs up :D

And if you think this is the end of my fun Saturday, you're wrong.
Stay tuned :D