Wednesday, October 22, 2014


1. 昨晚脑袋沉沉的,无法专注于任何事,只是呆呆看着手机荧幕。黑色一片。没响。于是关了灯,提早结束一天。

2. 在被窝里哆嗦,花了一些时间才睡着。

3. 今天没课,却老早爬起床,想翻翻笔记完成这个星期的网上小测验。

4. 在被窝里开了手机,面子书页面刷了刷。每个人都有自己的生活,各自的轨道,以自己的方式去关心自己爱的人。默默。

5. 翻开笔记本,脑袋依旧空空。不喜欢这样的自己。窗外没有太阳,感觉不起劲。听陈绮贞的《表面的和平》,用叉子泡了一杯拿铁鼓励自己。

6. 幸亏 F 及时给我打了通电话,叫我开门让她进来。我想起我还有些文件得处理。

7. 我踏出了房门,到外头走走,跟 F 一起。有些毛毛雨,身边有人陪着,秋风吹来似乎也没有太冷。预雨前的空气让人感觉好好,精神好许多。

8. 与 F 道别后回到房间准备念书,看到九把刀出轨的新闻。想起他的书里写过有多么爱他的女朋友,光想都觉得恶心。

9. 下楼打开冰箱把昨晚剩下的炒饭放进微波炉弄热,待会一点钟跟家人视频网聊。

10. 好吧。其实我只是想说,我忽然很想你。


后记:那天 C 忽然给我发了一则信息,说很喜欢我的文字,简简单单的就能触动人的心。我想我也只不过把每个人日常生活中常有的情绪透过文字刻录下来。这些小小的琐碎事,常常因大家的不善于表达,而在时间的光束中匍匐流失。渐渐的我们变得麻木,更多时候会自以为是地以为那些对于寂寞的害怕早已不复再。以为不悲伤就代表自己已长大而勇敢起来。今天我已面对自己不明所以对于生活的恐惧,而你呢 :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

One Day Trip to Liverpool

And it felt like yesterday though it was a week ago when the three of us (with Wei Hao and Xiao Hui) came up with a random thought to go on a budget weekend one day trip.
Liverpool which is not any further than 50 minutes coach ride from our place was the ideal place to go so we bought our tickets a day ago and here it is, our weekend escaparade :)

Today is a pretty lazy Sunday for me, I don't even plan to leave my flat today though the weather is magnificently good.
I'm just so so lazy today, I don't know why wth.
Please bear with my minimal use of descriptive elaborations in this post, I think the photos are almost as good enough to let you see how this place amazed me.

Photos are all unedited, by Olympus Pen EPL-3.


Reached there at 7 a.m. in the morning and it was 3 degree Celcius.
I love it when the streets were empty. 

Wei Hao and Xiao Hui.
Both my bestest dinner mates who feed me with good food, 
and help me gain 4kg in one months time wth.

St. George's Hall.

Liverpool Rail Station.

Had breakfast at a casino-themed cafe as most of the places that we planned to go on foot wouldn't start operating till 10 a.m.

Hot chocolate and latte are always the best remedy on a chilly morning.

Can't remember the name of the cafe, and the names of our heavenly orders 
*clap to myself*

Ham, egg, and sausage wrap.

Bacon in bun.

(It had a fancy classy name but maybe lets call it Bacon the Bun first)

Walker Art Gallery.

On our way to the next destination

A lil over exposure but I love the way they were.

So here we are: Albert's Dock.

My most favourite place in Liverpool.

Great sunny day for beer and friends.

I was shooting of the building and the three of them were posing cheekily to my lens.
Then when I asked if I could take a photo of them they became so manly bold, thus these faces.
Cute people.

Before entering Liverpool's Museum.

A gallery about April Ashley, a transgender icon of Liverpool.

Xiao Hui patterning with the weight balance for professional boxers.

I was at the "feather-light" category!

This is a replica of an old train in the museum.

I'm not sure if you see this old couple reminiscing their old times, too beautiful.

Too hungry to concentrate in doing anything else so we decided to go grab something good and fancy for lunch.
Not that we were anywhere near rich so the least we could do was to order 2 main dishes for the 3 of us.

Breaded wholetails of scampi. £6.95

Disappointed with it in terms of its portion :( 

Steak and Mushroom Pie  £6.25

Love the butterly pie crust.  
Well I don't really take and fancy beef so I fed myself with the fresh peas and fries instead.

I'm not a Beatles' fan but my dad definitely is.
Wanted to visit this place so eagerly but.......

Stunned at the entrance ticket fees.

So we stopped here.

Passed by the Eye of Liverpool on our way to visit the Liverpool Cathedral.

And there's a Chinatown here too :D

Liverpool Cathedral

Couldn't get the right setting to capture this beauty when the Sun was right on top of our heads.
Screwed up haihhh.

Too breathtaking.  
Too beautiful.
Like in the Lord of the Rings.
I couldn't breathe and stop the praise.

 They were having a Sunday Service with a pipe organ and photography wasn't allowed.
Took this during intervals.  The one and only shot.
It's a lil bit slanted too bad.

Maritime Museum

Where we got to see ship models, their history and experience being a sailor.

Liverpool, as Titanic's mother port, has its story to tell in the tragedy. 

International Slavery Museum

Had dinner at this place before catching the coach back to Manchester.
And we almost missed it!

We ordered a roasted chicken thigh and another mixed grilled.
Super juicy chicken and lamb, mm hmmmm!

Met a friendly Malaysian waitress here too :D

It was a beautiful day with great weather and probably one of the very best companions I had.
Hope to have another day like this again to some new places that are yet to be explored!
Next destination: London!